Hutch Post
HUTCHINSON, Kan. — At the Tuesday Hutchinson City Council meeting, Interim City Manager Mary Grace Clements gave an update on the progress that has been made for storm recovery.
"To get the city functional is the priority," Clements said. "Now that we feel we're in a better place with that, we will now start to focus on the cleanup of the city. And I know that's a little bit hard as you wake up and you see the things that are happening in your area."
Now that the streets are generally safe to go down, people can really start cleanup in a way they may not have been able to before.
"What we've done is we're gonna shift and start to look at cleanup, and we've opened up as of this morning, one drop station, which will be on Redmond Drive in Carey Park, where we will have city staff there from eight to five, six days a week, except for Sunday," Clements said. "They will not be there on the Monday of the holiday as well, which is coming up. We have an area, it's on our website. You can look at the picture."
You can take limbs there for now, but if you aren't able to get to it in the next day or two, they will have another place later in the week.
"On Thursday, we will open a second location and that will be in the southeast corner of the sports arena in the parking lot," Clements said. "Again, it's a city-owned parking lot, so we can use that area. It will be more facing 11th Street in the southeast corner. We'll have it roped off. It will be an area where you can drop limbs and brush and things of that nature."
It is still individual landowners responsibility to get limbs to those drop off points.
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