Jul 24, 2024

Marshall: Secret Service investigation needs outside oversight

Posted Jul 24, 2024 6:15 PM

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Kansas U.S. Senator Dr. Roger Marshall believes outside eyes need to go in to look at the Secret Service after the July 13 shooting of Donald Trump.

"There was a systemic failure on the part of the Secret Service," Marshall said. There was a systemic failure, there were individual failures as well. Unfortunately, it's gonna take weeks to uncover exactly where all those failures are."

That's why as part of committee work on Wednesday, Marshall asked for additional help from the administration. 

"What I did was call upon the president to name some type of a crisis person, a crisis intervention team to go into the Secret Service and stabilize the situation," Marshall said. "Again, that's gonna take months for Congress to go through this particular investigation and they're gonna uncover more problems than we've even began to talk about."

Marshall thinks he has an idea what the motive of the shooter may have been.

"I think that this was a young man who was troubled," Marshall said. "He was probably schizophrenic, had some type of a manic depressive disorder as well. This is a kid who was bullied in high school. This is a young man who wanted to join the rifle team, and for whatever reason was not allowed to join that team. What we've heard is they didn't think he was safe enough, so he spends the next three years learning how to shoot a rifle, and he had this opportunity for attention, and more by luck and negligence than by any horrific plan that was out there. I think his motivation is that simple."

Marshall serves on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (HSGAC).

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