Hutch Post
HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The water agreement to mitigate the nitrate issue in Yoder Water District 101 was approved by the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting on Wednesday.
"There's a average amount of, I wanna say 32,000 gallons that we acquire the right to buy that from them at their price," said county counselor Patrick Hoffman. "They're saying yes, we'll give you that. The only way under this, that they could stop it is if they were under a water reduction plan for the city. In other words, if the city residents were under water reduction, then Yoder would also be under water reduction."
Once approved by Reno County it must be approved by the City of Hutchinson. The water rates paid by Yoder Water District consumers may be increased to account for the price of purchasing water from the City of Hutchinson at the rates in the agreement.
The specific amount of the charge is put into agenda documents by reference to Hutchinson city code and is consistent with charges to other outside entities to which the city provides water. The numbers themselves are not in the agenda documents.
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