Jul 24, 2024

Paxton: Please fill out housing survey

Posted Jul 24, 2024 2:14 PM

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — City of Hutchinson Housing Program Coordinator Carissa Paxton spoke to the Board of County Commissioners on Wednesday about the survey that is out for anyone in the county to take.

"What I am asking for is participation in the Reno County Housing Survey," Paxton said. "Reno County, the city of Hutchinson, the city of South Hutchinson, and the Hutchinson Housing Commission have all partnered together to conduct a housing needs assessment for our entire county. We have done countless hours of data analytics, as well as over 10 community listening sessions. And now we're at the point in the needs assessment where we get survey data. And the only way for us to collect that is for Reno County residents and those who work in Reno County to take this survey. It's very important. It's available in English and in Spanish. And you can scan the QR code on the flyer, find the links on social media, or go to renocountyhousing.com and a little pop-up will appear to take the survey."

Paxton wants to see as much participation as possible.

"It asks where you live, what your perceptions are on housing in Reno County, where you think we need to be focused on as far as housing issues go and things like that," Paxton said. "It's a really important survey and I would just ask everybody to take it and share it, so your circles can take it as well."

There will be paper copies at the courthouse, at the City of Hutchinson offices and at the city offices in the county for those that don't want to fill it out online, once Paxton is able to get the information to them.

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