Jan 11, 2023

City administrator is acting city clerk in South Hutchinson

Posted Jan 11, 2023 3:53 PM

Hutch Post

SOUTH HUTCHINSON, Kan. — South Hutchinson City Administrator Joseph Turner was appointed by the City Council at its Monday meeting to act as City Clerk while they look for a permanent hire for the position.

"Denise McCue announced she was going to retire in October," Turner said. "We hired her replacement in August to get two months of cross-training done and make it a seamless transition. Unfortunately, about six weeks after Denise retired, the new City Clerk announced that she couldn't handle the stresses of the job. It was too much for her. Before the Thanksgiving break, she announced that she was going to be resigning, but would stay on through the end of the year to help out with any cross training of a new person. Then I hired a new person to take over. That person quit after seven days."

The City Clerk in a city like South Hutchinson has a lot of responsibilities.

"Our City Clerk, generally speaking, handles all the payroll duties, human resources obligations, accounts payable, gets all the bills paid from vendors, sends out invoices to people who owe us money. She or he would be responsible for public information requests and handling that, taking the minutes for the city council meetings, handling all the ordinances and legal publications, communicating with the state, paying all the different taxes related to employees to the federal government, quarterly taxes and all that sort of stuff, handling the various CMB licenses and different things that come through. It's a pretty exhaustive position."

If you would like to apply, give Turner a call at (620) 663-7104.

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