Jul 02, 2023

Safe Kids Kansas: Keep an eye on kids during summer gatherings

Posted Jul 02, 2023 11:00 AM
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safe kids kansas logo.png

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Cherie Sage with Safe Kids Kansas reminds us that it's important to know where the little ones are when you go to a summer get together.

"They can be pretty chaotic," Sage said. "You know, when everyone is watching the children, no one's really watching the children. Definitely having designated spaces that are safe for kids to play, having kid-free zones around like, the grill or a fire pit. Definitely keeping kids away from fireworks, all of those things are important. Also, that active supervision is important, maybe having a designated person that you can take turns and say, okay, for the next 15 minutes, you're the one that's watching the little kids."

Sparklers in the hands of little ones are not okay.

"Sparklers, people somehow got the idea that these are kid-friendly fireworks," Sage said. "They're really not. They actually burn at a temperature that is hot enough to melt glass. They also fly these sparks off, so if kids are waving them in the air, making patterns, there's a chance for those sparks to fly into their eye, things like that. We recommend give those little kids a glow stick."

The glow stick not only is safer than a sparkler, but it will help you keep track of them in the dark, but even better than that is to join the community at a public event.

"If you can, go to a public display," Sage said. "Leave it to the professionals. That is the safest way to enjoy fireworks. However, if you are going to be setting off fireworks, then have a safe distance between the fireworks and your family. Have that be a child free safety zone."

In 2022, there were a total of 102 injuries caused by fireworks in Kansas. 

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