Mar 17, 2023

City Council to study water reports

Posted Mar 17, 2023 11:29 AM

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The Hutchinson City Council will have a study session on the future of water in the city on Tuesday. Reno County is interested in developing a water district to serve areas south of Hutchinson.

They asked the City to determine how much water is available for purchase and how much that water would cost.

Before spending time and money on the development of a wholesale water agreement, staff with the city focused on addressing the first question, how much water is available for purchase. In an effort to help the City make an informed decision, Burns & McDonnell was hired to develop a 20-year water demand projection for the City of Hutchinson, and Kansas Water Resources Consulting (KWRC) was brought in to evaluate the City’s water rights and develop a strategy to perfect the City’s uncertified water rights.

During the Study Session, Burns & McDonnell and KWRC will present information from reports provided to the governing body.

According to Burns & McDonnell, the wholesale opportunity based on the current perfected water right is approximately 0.28 million gallons per day in 2043 and the wholesale opportunity based on the current authorized water right is approximately 1.46 million gallons per day in 2043.

Kansas Water Resources Consulting is recommending to the city that there are two potential opportunities to expand its overall quantity limitation with its existing wells. Those are requesting additional time to perfect and filing new applications on its existing wells.

The consultant also recommends the city request GMD 2 to provide its preliminary Safe Yield evaluations at each uncertified water right well location and develop a proposal for a series of new applications and limitations that would allow the city additional opportunity to increase its overall limitation consistent with their original approvals but within the principle of Safe Yield.

The consultant also suggests that the city meet with the Chief Engineer at the state to review the approaches to provide more time to increase the City’s overall limitation.

The study session will be Tuesday following the regular council meeting.

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