Nov 07, 2023

Work on 30th should wrap up soon

Posted Nov 07, 2023 4:00 PM

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Gregg DeGarmo with the engineering department for the city of Hutchinson told the Hutchinson City Council the work on 30th should be done soon as it will be warm enough to finish the paving on Tuesday.

"Most of the traffic can go on the outside lanes," DeGarmo said. "I know it's confusing for a lot of people, but stay on the outside lanes. If you need to make a left turn at an intersection, the cones should allow you to come through and make that left turn on the signals. We are going to leave the traffic control up for the striping crews to come in, so they can get the majority of their work done in an efficient and safe manner. We'll keep traffic on those outside lanes, except for making left turns."

As long as it stays warm enough to stripe, things should move along swiftly.

"They are going to get in town this week," DeGarmo said. "I expect them to be in town, if not tomorrow the next day, so, we should be wrapping that up pretty quick and that way it will also be open for the Toy Run, that's on the 19th."

Striping works best during dry weather above 50 degrees.

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