Feb 22, 2024

Sign in salon is 'conversation starter'

Posted Feb 22, 2024 11:45 AM
The Impact sign on the back green wall of Haydens & CO Salon in downtown Hutchinson. The sign is 8 feet long and made up of mostly recycled materials. Photo by Emmie Boese. 
The Impact sign on the back green wall of Haydens & CO Salon in downtown Hutchinson. The sign is 8 feet long and made up of mostly recycled materials. Photo by Emmie Boese. 

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Rayna Hollingsworth says cosmetology is an art form. Aside from the art of mixing hair color and custom cutting, Hollingsworth has emulated that passion into another piece of art. Hollingsworth is a cosmetologist and co-owner of Haydens & CO Salon. 

On the green wall in the back of Haydens, hangs an eight foot colorful sign with the word impact. The word inspiration for the sign came from a business trip she attended last January.

"We impact each other's lives every single day as humans," Hollingsworth said. "Whether it be good, bad, indifferent. As a hairstylist, I impact people's lives every single day. It's a great conversation starter." 

The brown and gold color theme represent roots for the tree Hollingsworth drew on the piece. The gold  and brown angle underneath the "C" was given to Hollinsworth for the sign by her mother-in-law. Photo by Emmie Boese.
The brown and gold color theme represent roots for the tree Hollingsworth drew on the piece. The gold  and brown angle underneath the "C" was given to Hollinsworth for the sign by her mother-in-law. Photo by Emmie Boese.

While on her trip, Hollingsworth saw a sign at a restaurant that had the words "eat more color on the front." The backdrop was made up of items that even included a shoe.

"I'm like that's perfect but now where do I get that? So I'm like, I can create that."

The yellow, orange and pink butterflies are from flower arrangements that were given to Hollingsworth by her husband. Other unique items in this section include a part from a sewing machine, and pink dresses from a child's toy. Photo by Emmie Boese.
The yellow, orange and pink butterflies are from flower arrangements that were given to Hollingsworth by her husband. Other unique items in this section include a part from a sewing machine, and pink dresses from a child's toy. Photo by Emmie Boese.

Hollingsworth did exactly that. She created the sign completely on her own by using recycled materials. Materials include beads, broken jewelry, toys, keys, color tubelet lids from hair color, pins, a hairbrush, her first set of shears from cosmetology school, butterflies from flower arrangements that she received from her husband and more. She drew on a sunflower, lipstick tube, hairbrush, monstera leaves and a tree. Each letter was beaded. 

A  drawing of a purple hair dryer that was beaded after is to the right. There is trinket of a cat to the left. Hollingsworth has 19 different cat themed items on the sign. Photo by Emmie Boese.
A  drawing of a purple hair dryer that was beaded after is to the right. There is trinket of a cat to the left. Hollingsworth has 19 different cat themed items on the sign. Photo by Emmie Boese.

Haydens & CO uses Aveda products which she said inspired the use for recycled materials. 

"Aveda is a green company and they want to impact the world in a positive way," Hollingsworth said. "They don't want to be harmful to our environment." I wanted the piece to be impactful so it's recycled going on the whole green part of Aveda as well because that's the product. When we use them we really believe in saving the environment and that kind of thing." 

A green hair curler sticks out on the bottom of the green section. Succulents were added as well. Photo by Emmie Boese.
A green hair curler sticks out on the bottom of the green section. Succulents were added as well. Photo by Emmie Boese.

The entire canvas was also painted to blend each section of the collage together. The only items not recycled are the permanent adhesive used to keep items on the board and resin that was poured to seal and give the sign a glossy finish. 

The succulents glossy finish stands out. The poured resin gives the items a glossy finish. Photo by Emmie Boese.
The succulents glossy finish stands out. The poured resin gives the items a glossy finish. Photo by Emmie Boese.

 "I wanted it to also be kind of rainbowesque in the way that the colors flowed together," Hollingsworth said. 

One half of a yellow plastic Easter egg, a broken jewelry plate and a pop-it-toy blend into the orange, pink and yellow colors. A yellow comb is also displayed with an orange comb slightly above it. Photo by Emmie Boese.
One half of a yellow plastic Easter egg, a broken jewelry plate and a pop-it-toy blend into the orange, pink and yellow colors. A yellow comb is also displayed with an orange comb slightly above it. Photo by Emmie Boese.

The sign was hung at Haydens & CO at the end of January. The downtown salon is located at 306 S. Main. Some of Hayden's services include facials, manicures, pedicures, hair design, hair coloring, and lash services. 

An old photo from a casing popping out for a 3D look. Broken jewelry is blended in, including a gold cross towards the top left corner.  Photo by Emmie Boese
An old photo from a casing popping out for a 3D look. Broken jewelry is blended in, including a gold cross towards the top left corner.  Photo by Emmie Boese
This is blue section with the sunglasses above the gold and white beading to  represent the ocean and sand for a beach. To the right, the color starts to blend into purple tones.  Photo by Emmie Boese.
This is blue section with the sunglasses above the gold and white beading to  represent the ocean and sand for a beach. To the right, the color starts to blend into purple tones.  Photo by Emmie Boese.
Layers of beads line up. A piece of a broken fit bit sits slightly on the top left of the "A." Photo by Emmie Boese.
Layers of beads line up. A piece of a broken fit bit sits slightly on the top left of the "A." Photo by Emmie Boese.
Hollingsworth's first pair of shears resting in between read beading. Other items on the sign include a KU pin where her son attended college. Photo by Emmie Boese.
Hollingsworth's first pair of shears resting in between read beading. Other items on the sign include a KU pin where her son attended college. Photo by Emmie Boese.

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The beaded sunflower drawing on the right side. A cat item sits just below it and an old watch is towards the top left. Photo by Emmie Boese.
The beaded sunflower drawing on the right side. A cat item sits just below it and an old watch is towards the top left. Photo by Emmie Boese.

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