Jul 24, 2024

Talk20 Hutch coming up Friday

Posted Jul 24, 2024 10:32 AM

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The July edition of Talk20 Hutch is coming up July 26 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Hutchinson Public Library. The ten presenters each have local ties and are talking about issues relevant to the community.

"We have Dakotah Sanders, Andrew Davidson, Taryn Borders Haag, Kathie L. Moore, Michael Glenn and Gina Long, Aubrey Abbott Patterson, Joel Iwashige, Lucky Luci, Dashona Mahoney, and Randy Royse," said Kari Mailloux with Talk20 Hutch. "They're going to be talking about everything from backpacking to see the eclipse in rural Arkansas recently, to renovating historic homes in Reno County, to the story behind their paintings, creating a new newspaper in Hutchinson and starting a business, while still working full-time."

The presentations are based on a Japanese presentation form called Pecha Kucha.

"Pecha Kucha is a format that was started in Japan for architects," Mailloux said. "The premise is that you have 20 slides and only 20 seconds per slide to tell a story. It was created to keep long-winded architects to a structured format. It was adapted, kind of, for the U.S., as this concept of Talk20. Same format though, 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide to tell a story."

It's sort of like the old slide projector presentations that those in their older years may have seen in school, but with a 21st century twist. 

"I think about Talk20 as like a photo essay," Mailloux said. "You really are picking your 20 photos first and then figuring out, okay, I have 20 seconds to say something about this photo, to tell a story over 20 of them. How am I going to do that? People take different approaches. Some write out every slide's talking points. Some talk more organically across the images. It's always interesting to see how people show up."

The first Talk20 Hutch was held on January 24, 2014 in the upstairs auditorium of the Library, and it overflowed into the hall and onto the floor, with nearly 150 people in attendance. It moved to the main floor of the Library for the second and each subsequent event, with the Library staff getting continually more creative about how to fit in more chairs. Attendance has more than once surpassed 400.

For more background, go to https://www.talk20hutch.com/.  

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