Apr 03, 2024

New City Manager hire waiting on background check

Posted Apr 03, 2024 1:30 PM
City of Hutchinson generic-Photo by Nick Gosnell
City of Hutchinson generic-Photo by Nick Gosnell

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Hutchinson Mayor Greg Fast said Tuesday that the city has made an offer to a candidate for the permanent City Manager position.

"Word is currently, we have a candidate we've made an offer to, contigent upon an intensive background check," Fast said. "We expect that to come back any day. If that comes back clear, we will probably approve a contract for this individual on the April 16 agenda."

It will still be a few more weeks before the new hire can get to Hutch.

"We've had some discussions on a transitional period, to make sure they are set up for success," Fast said. "I think he'll start the first part of June. Mary Grace, I think we'll keep her as long as she'll stay around and as long as the new city manager would want her to stay around."

The budget process for 2025 is already beginning to take shape, as the city will need to approve a budget in August.

"This is up to him," Fast said. "We, as a council, we hire the city manager. Everything below that, the city manager takes care of."

Compensation for the new hire will come out when the contract is approved by the council.

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