The weekly Drought Monitor was released on Thursday.

This week featured the introduction of an area of severe drought along the Oklahoma state line. Areas of significantly dry and moderate drought have expanded across the state. As of Tuesday morning, 89-percent of the state of Kansas is under some level of drought.

The was no measurable precipitation for the area in the seven-day period for this week's report.
Average precipitation for the week is 45-hundreths of an inch, and the normal month to date is 1.08” and as of Tuesday we have only received 4-hundreths of an inch, which is a deficit of 1.04” of precipitation.
NOTE: The data collected for the National Drought Monitor is collected at 7 a.m. on the Tuesday of the week. The drought monitor is released by the Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska at 7 a.m. Thursday.