Here’s the latest booking activity from the Reno County Jail. This information is provided by the Reno County Sheriff’s Office and is not criminal history. The Hutch Post assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness, of this information. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. ——————————————
3/22/2024 2:06 AM-Levi Clinton Wickliffe-Domestic Battery; Knowingly Cause Physical Contact (1st conviction)
3/22/2024 2:03 AM-Malachi Franklin Berryhill-DUI; 1st conv; incapable of safely driving
3/21/2024 11:06 PM-Charles Shaday Parker Jr.-Viol protection order; Abuse order
3/21/2024 9:25 PM-Allen Edward Fox II-Failure to Appear
3/21/2024 7:50 PM-Delbert Everet Flanders Jr.-Failure to Appear
3/21/2024 6:29 PM-Audra Lynn Legron-Traffic Contraband in Correctional Institution; Introduce any Item
3/21/2024 3:52 PM-Garritt Ward Kent McConnell-Failure to Appear; Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant; Poss of depressant; Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human Body; Interference with Law Enforcement; Conceal /alter/destroy evidence Felony case; Drugs; Distribute Substance containing Heroin / Methamphetamine; 100g or more; Kidnapping; To Facilitate flight or Commission of Crime; Flee & Elude; Reckless Driving (KSA 8-1566); Drugs; Distribute Substance containing Heroin / Methamphetamine; 1g to < 3.5g; Drugs; Distribute Substance designated in 65-4105,4107,4109,4111(Oxy, Hydrocodone); < 10 dosage units; Drugs; Paraphernalia; Sell/Distribute/Possess for illegal use
3/21/2024 3:50 PM-Logan Lane Stoss-Probation Violation
3/21/2024 3:29 PM-Mandy Michelle Franklin-Failure to Appear; Probation Violation
3/21/2024 1:47 PM-Kevin Jay Smith-Probation Violation
3/21/2024 12:59 PM-Gabriel Alan Wright-Probation Violation
3/21/2024 12:26 PM-Ronald Leon Bliss-Probation Violation
3/21/2024 11:33 AM-Branden William Smith-Probation Violation