Aug 18, 2021

USD 308 will present budget Monday, hearing will be next month

Posted Aug 18, 2021 2:31 PM


Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The USD 308 budget presentation will be at the next school board meeting.

"We have our budget ready to go and ready to present, which will occur Monday," said USD 308 Superintendent Mike Folks. "Sheila Meggers, our new Director of Finance, has done an excellent job. It's been reviewed by the Kansas State Department of Education and after the presentation. After the budget hearing on Monday, we're hoping to have a budget hearing on September 13."

Because of a decrease in valuation in the district, it's likely that taxes will be really close to flat in USD 308.

"After reviewing the budget, it looks like that one of our funds is one-tenth of a mill higher than it was last year, with all the other funds and our overall mill levy rate being flat," Folks said. "With the assessed valuation decrease, we're going to tax, actually a little bit less, as far as what we're going to present."

Most districts in the state have been caught between the revenue neutral statute and the one requiring a 20-mill general fund mill levy for the school finance formula and therefore have been above the revenue neutral rate through no fault of their Board of Education. The specific numbers are not yet available until the presentation to the board is made on Monday.