Here’s the latest booking activity from the Reno County Jail. This information is provided by the Reno County Sheriff’s Office and is not criminal history. The Hutch Post assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness, of this information. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.——————————————
Erik Dale Pettay 2/4/2025 12:34 PM Computer Crime; Unauthorized access, Computer Crime; Unauthorized access, Stalking; Conduct causing fear to a person or person's family
Chadwick James Cowherd 2/4/2025 12:48 PM Criminal Damage to Property; Without consent; < $1,000, Direct Contempt
Kenneth Conway Shipley 2/4/2025 1:18 PM Interference with Law Enforcement; Obstruct, Resist, Oppose, Misdemeanor Arrest
Isaiah Anthony Straughter III 2/4/2025 2:46 PM Violation of conditions of release, on parole, conditional release
Beth Ann Smith 2/4/2025 3:23 PM Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human, Poss of marijuana, Possession of hallucinogenic drug, Possession of Paraphernalia with Intent to Manufacture/Plant/Cultivate, Distribute heroin/certain stim/fentanyl; 1 - <3,
Wendell Peyton 2/4/2025 5:02 PM, Murder in 1st degree; Intentional/premeditated, Arson; AGGRAVATED; Occupied building or property, Aggravated endangering a child; Reckless situation to child <18, Interference with Law Enforcement; Conceal /alter/destroy evidence, Interference with Law Enforcement; Falsely report info on death
Preston Michael McDaniel 2/4/2025 11:09 PM Failure to Appear, Possession of Marijuana
Terry Lynn Spaniol 2/4/2025 11:30 PM Failure to Appear
Alison Marie Hiner 2/5/2025 2:50 AM Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human Body, Possession of marijuana, Possession of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant