Here’s the latest booking activity from the Reno County Jail. This information is provided by the Reno County Sheriff’s Office and is not criminal history. The Hutch Post assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness, of this information. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. ——————————————
12/27/2024 3:31 AM-Allyssa Lee Martin-DUI; Alcohol Concentration .08 or more shown by competent evidence; 1st Offense
12/26/2024 11:46 PM-Irene Anita DeBold-Failure to Appear
12/26/2024 10:51 PM-Michael Raymond Sifuentes-Viol protection order; Pre-trial order; Poss of marijuana; Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human Body
12/26/2024 8:44 PM-Kay Lynne Church-Failure to Appear
12/26/2024 7:06 PM-Tanner Joseph Emerick-DUI; Incapable of Safely Driving Vehicle; 2nd Offense; Poss of marijuana; Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human Body; Alcohol; Illegal Transportation of Alcoholic Beverage
12/26/2024 4:13 PM-Joseph Ryan Taber-DUI; 2nd conv; drugs or combination of drugs; Ignition Interlock Device; Tamper with; Poss of marijuana; Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant; Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human Body
12/26/2024 2:05 PM-Christopher Tyler Barrow-Endangering a Child; Battery; Phys contact rude/insult/angry manner; Reckless Driving; Driving while license cancelled/suspended/revoked; misd; unknown conv
12/26/2024 12:57 PM-Caden Allen Regier-Electronic Solicitation; Believes Child to be 14-15YOA; Indecent Solicitation of a Child; To commit or Submit to an unlawful sexual act; Probation Violation
12/26/2024 6:49 AM-Derek Ignacio Trevino-DUI; 1st conv; comp evidence of blood/breath .08+