Apr 21, 2020

City phasing in cutbacks in light of revenue reductions

Posted Apr 21, 2020 3:26 PM


Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The City of Hutchinson is cutting back due to expected reductions in revenue as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

"We really put together three phases on this," said City Manager John Deardoff. "The first phase really talked, just about the elimination of all of our seasonal and our part-time help. Also, a hiring freeze in all of our vacant positions. We calculate out that, just through the balance of this year, that's going to save us about $613,000."

The first phase was implemented on March 30.

"Phase two, which actually goes into effect April 26, primarily focused on overtime issues in our police department," Deardoff said. "Also, travel restrictions, our travel budgets, obviously no one's going anywhere. We estimated a savings, just on the HPD overtime of about $250,000, so in that category, we're at $354,000 in projected savings."

There is a third phase on the drawing board for June, if necessary.

"I think it's so important that we're able to communicate, not only with the community, but with our employees, as to why we're doing these things," Deardoff said. "It's not just based on a projection. Phase one and two really don't have a large impact on any of our full-time employees, other than those in the parks and facilities that are now, some of our supervisors are now on a mower, because we've lost a lot of our summer temporary help that we rely on. Things may get a little shaggier, you know, as we go."

Deardoff wants his replacement, Jeff Cantrell and the council to have a chance to look at what the actual impacts are of the downturn before implementing any salary reductions or furloughs, which is what would have to come next. Deardoff plans to send the information to Cantrell so he knows what he's getting into.