Sep 16, 2021

Evergy: Know where power lines are during harvest

Posted Sep 16, 2021 2:41 PM
2021 Harvest Photo-Nick Gosnell
2021 Harvest Photo-Nick Gosnell


Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Corn harvest is happening across Central Kansas and Evergy is asking farmers to pay attention to the location of power lines when they are using equipment.

"We want to make sure that farmers know the size of their equipment and where the power lines are," said Beverly Figge with Evergy. "Whether they are going in and out of the field, or whether they are unloading their grain onto a truck or trailer, we want to make sure that their equipment is at least 10 feet away from power lines for electrical safety, not only for them and their equipment, but for everyone around them, as well."

It's important that farmers think about how their GPS systems lead their equipment when harvesting, too.

"When they are scoping out their fields, they need to take extra time to know where those guide wires are, where the poles are and where the electrical overhead lines are," Figge said. "Ten feet is not very far. We have an opportunity to change those settings, even though our tractors want to get a little closer."

Also, farmers need to have a plan in case an accident were to occur.

"If there is an accident, you do get into the power line, or you see a downed power line, know who to contact," Figge said. "That would be 911 first and then your local power company, whether that be Evergy or a local rural electric company that you are working with."

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