Sep 20, 2024

Adopt-A-Pet is Saturday

Posted Sep 20, 2024 1:15 PM
Hutchinson Animal Shelter
Hutchinson Animal Shelter

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Michaela Schommer with the Hutchinson Animal Shelter is pleased that EAGLE Media is helping again by hosting an Adopt-A-Pet event Saturday starting at 11 a.m. at 825 North Main.

"I think the least amount that we've ever had adopted at one of your events here is four," Schommer said. "Usually, I was thinking about this a couple days ago, our average is about six adoptions at an event." 

The plan is to have as many pets out at the event as they can, but that's dependent on how many people volunteer to help.

"We always like to bring at least 10 out but to be honest, as of right now, I only have five volunteers that have committed to being present," Schommer said. "We're still gathering people for the event and then based on that number, we'll choose our dogs coming out. At minimum, we're probably going to at least have seven but like I said, 10 to 12 is our goal usually."

There also will be a special deal that day for adoptions, if you find the pet at EAGLE Media.

"For the dogs at the event, we're doing half price," Schommer said. "An adult dog is $75 and puppies would be $100."

The event will end at 2 p.m. Saturday.