Feb 03, 2025

Rob Kenney to kick off Dillon Lecture Series

Posted Feb 03, 2025 1:27 PM
Rob Kenney - February 4
Rob Kenney - February 4

The Dillon Lecture Series named after Ray and Stella Dillon kicks off its 2025 series on Tuesday .

Rob Kinney, host of YouTubes “Dad, how do I?” show will be in the arena on Tuesday. Rob rose to fame in 2020 with his YouTube channel “Dad, How Do I?”, where he generates practical advice and life skills for people who may not have had a father figure in their lives.

Rob Kenney - February 4
Rob Kenney - February 4

His channel covers a wide range of topics, from how to tie a tie, change a tire, unclog a sink, and other essential “dad advice.” Kenney’s inspiration for starting the channel stems from his own childhood. His father left when he was just 14, leaving him and his siblings to navigate life without that guiding parental influence.

Since 1982, the Dillon Lecture Series has provided distinguished and notable speakers that many in Hutchinson, Kansas and surrounding communities might not have the opportunity to experience. 

From poets, politicians and space scientists to American heroes, each is chosen by the Dillon Lecture Committee by following the teachings of Chinese philosopher Kuan-Tzam - “learning is the key to enlightenment” - to educate and inspire audiences across a wide age span.

All lectures are held in the Hutchinson Sports Arena beginning at 10:30 a.m. and last one hour.

Here are the remainder of this years speakers.

Tyler Merritt - April 1

Tyler Merritt is an actor, comedian, viral sensation, activist, founder of The Tyler Merritt Project, and author of the memoir, I Take My Coffee Black: Reflections on Tupac, Musical Theater, Faith, and Being Black in America. 

Tyler Merrit - April 1
Tyler Merrit - April 1

As a 6’2” dreadlocked black man living in the South, Merritt is well aware of stereotypes and their potentially dangerous consequences. In response, Merritt has devoted his creativity to bringing his ethos of “Love. Learn. Create.” to life through his words and videos as part of The Tyler Merritt Project.

Jim Olson – September 16

James Olson served for over thirty years in the Directorate of Operations of the Central Intelligence Agency, mostly overseas in clandestine operations.

Jim Olson - September 16
Jim Olson - September 16

In addition to several foreign assignments, he was Chief of Counterintelligence at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Joel Goldberg – October 28

Award-winning broadcaster Joel Goldberg has been a member of the Kansas City Royals television broadcast since 2008, serving as the host of every pregame and postgame show on FOX Sports Kansas City and Bally Sports KC.

Joel Goldberg - October 28
Joel Goldberg - October 28

He also hosts a podcast, “Rounding the Bases,” and does various corporate speaking engagements throughout the country on team building and culture.

Following the 2020 season, Goldberg authored a book “Small Ball Big Results,” about the small things that add up to the big wins in baseball, business and life.