MARC JACOBS - Hutch Post
The Pratt County Attorney’s Office investigated complaints made by six individuals alleging •of the Kansas Open Meetings Act (the “KOMA”) by the USD 382 Board of Directors. The Board of Education was notified of the finding of the investigation on Jan. 13.
Tracy Beverlin, the Pratt County Attorney concluded that there was enough evidence to support a finding that the Board of Education’s Sept. 16 executive session violated the KOMA. She also conluded that there is enough evidence to support a finding that the Board of Education violated KOMA in ways not included in the KOMA complaints.
The review by the county attorney found these additional violations:
• The board’s minutes inaccurately reflect those present in the September 16, 2024, executive session and a pattern of inaccuracies in documenting individuals present in executive sessions.
• The board’s September 16, 2024 motion to enter into executive session was deficient and a pattern of deficient motions to enter into executive session.
• The board engaged in improper interactive discussion of a matter of substance among a majority of a quorum in response to the KOMA complaint.
The board of education was asked by the county attorney to:
• Complete at least one hour of KOMA training within the next 90 days.
• The meeting minutes should reflect the training and specifically identify which Directors and staff were in attendance for the training. The minutes should further reflect the individual and/or entity that provided the training.
• Provide a copy of the training material to county attorney’s office for her review
• Adopt and use a checklist or other similar protocol or process to ensure that the Board meets all the statutory requirements for recessing into executive session. The checklist should reflect each step that must be taken when making a motion to move into executive session. The checklist should be available for referral to all Directors during each meeting.
• Amend the minutes of the May 13, 2024, meeting to accurately reflect who was in attendance of the executive session
• Post in the Board’s usual course for posting meeting minutes, the Board’s minutes from its May 8, 2024, special meeting.
The Pratt USD 382 Board of Education has scheduled a special meeting on Feb. 5, at 5:30 PM at the Board of Education Meeting Room at 402 South Hamilton for the purpose of having their KOMA/KORA training.
The public is invited to attend the meeting.