Here’s the latest booking activity from the Reno County Jail. This information is provided by the Reno County Sheriff’s Office and is not criminal history. The Hutch Post assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness, of this information. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. ——————————————
4/1/2024 3:07 AM-Haylea Marie Getman-Agg battery; Knowingly cause great body harm
3/31/2024 10:07 PM-Jasmine Nikole Claycomb-Drugs; Distribute Substance containing Heroin / Methamphetamine; 3.5g to < 100g; Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant; Drugs; Paraphernalia; Sell/Distribute/Possess for illegal use; Use or Possess with Intent to use Drug Paraphernalia into Human Body; Poss of marijuana; Poss of hallucinogenic drug
3/31/2024 7:18 PM-Kevin Leigh Towell-Battery; Phys contact rude/insult/angry manner; Criminal Restraint; Criminal Threat; with Intent to Terrorize or cause Evacuation; Disorderly Conduct; Fighting words or noisy conduct; Abuse of a child; Torture or beating child <18
3/31/2024 1:13 PM-Larry Wayne Kelley-Failure to Appear