Nov 11, 2020

Canvass of votes Thursday will decide House District 102 seat

Posted Nov 11, 2020 4:02 PM

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Eyes across the state will be on the Reno County Clerk’s office on Thursday as they canvass the votes from last week’s election.

One race is still undecided. That’s in House District 102 where incumbent Democrat Jason Probst held a three vote lead over Republican John Whitesel at the end of the count on election night. A hand count of several outstanding votes that were unable to be processed by the machine and a handful of mail-in ballots that came in legally between election day and the Friday following increased the incumbent's lead to 22 votes, 3,261 to 3,239.

Any votes that were set aside as provisional will be gone over one-by-one for the entire election. While the canvass will cover all of the elections in the county, only the race involving Probst and Whitesel is close enough to potentially make a difference in the outcome.

The canvass is scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday, but with many ballots to count and a race in the balance, it may take a good portion of the day to resolve.