On Jan. 29 Kansas Senator Mike Thompson (district 10) has filed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1607 (SCR1607) for Kansas to join the states calling for a convention for proposing a congressional term limits amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The effort is being spearheaded by the nonpartisan, nonprofit, U.S. Term Limits (USTL).
SCR1607 has a groundswell of support in the Kansas legislature. Many state lawmakers committed their support by signing a pledge to cosponsor Senator Thompson's resolution.
"It's time for Congress to be accountable to the people they represent, " said Philip Blumel, USTL President. "Term limits will help restore trust in our government and ensure that power is returned to the hands of the citizens."
State Chair for U.S. Term Limits, Sara Hart-Weir says, "I am thrilled we are gaining momentum in Kansas to join the growing number of states supporting term limits on Congress. This strong support will help us pas this critical resolution."
When SCR1607 passes both the house and senate chambers this session, Kansas will join other states in the call to for a national convention for the exclusive purpose of proposing term limits on the U.S. Congress. Once 34 state legislatures pass similar resolutions and approve the term limits amendment language, the measure must be ratified by 38 states to become part of the U.S. Constitution.
You can see a copy of SCR1607 at this link.
SCR1607 has been referred to the Committee on Federal and State Affairs.