Those taking care of youngsters in the Salt City can get some help.
"The City Council allocated part of our CDBG-CV funds for just daycare, the childcare providers," said Ryan Hvitlok with the city. "We are opening that up, a microgrant of, I believe, the maximum is $2500. The closing date would be September 15."
There are some limits on the program.
"CDBG-CV funds can be used for preparation or response to the coronavirus," Hvitlok said. "If they have incurred costs for hand sanitizer, purchasing PPE, those type of things, that would be an allowed expense."
If there's been a reduction in head count, the money can also be used for rent, utlities or payroll, as long as they haven't gotten other federal money.
"The only other stipulation, this is from the feds and not from the city, is that it has to be a business, a for profit institution," Hvitlok said. "Unfortunately non-profits would not be eligible."
$12,500 of CDBG-CV grant funds were allocated for the program.