HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Hutchinson Community Foundation requests proposals for 2021 Changemakers at Work Grants.
Formerly known as Make it Greater Grants, Changemakers at Work Grants are open to Reno County residents and organizations who have great ideas for bringing community members together on projects that spark community spirit and pride, increase social capital, and build on communities' assets and unique qualities through placemaking. Awards range from $250 to $2,500.
Proposals must come from 501(c)(3) organizations that serve Reno County. Individuals or groups that do not have a 501(c)(3) designation must obtain a nonprofit fiscal sponsor.
To learn more about grant requirements and to download application materials, visit bit.ly/2LKit5f. To read about the kinds of projects previously funded through Changemakers at Work Grants, visit bit.ly/3qkO8JE.
Application deadline is noon Feb. 16. Grants will be awarded in March.
Hutchinson Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to inspire philanthropy, collaboration and innovative leadership to strengthen Reno County communities. Since 1989, the foundation has made grants of more than $70 million.