Here’s the latest booking activity from the Reno County Jail. This information is provided by the Reno County Sheriff’s Office and is not criminal history. The Hutch Post assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness, of this information. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.——————————————
Skyler Allen May 2/22/2025 7:08 AM Domestic Battery; Knowingly Cause Physical Contact (1st conviction)
Zachary Carlos Mountain 2/22/2025 7:09 AM Interference with Law Enforcement; Obstruct, Resist, Oppose, Misdemeanor Arrest, Aggravated battery; Knowingly cause great body harm, Domestic Battery; Knowingly Cause Physical Contact (1st conviction)
Tanner Leroy May 2/22/2025 7:50 AM Failure to Appear
Rolando Roshown Burris 2/22/2025 8:49 AM Failure to Appear
Eddie Quadir Collins III 2/22/2025 9:23 AM Driving while license cancelled/suspended/revoked; misdemeanor
Jennifer Jeane Shaw 2/22/2025 10:35 AM Criminal Damage to Property; Without consent; $1,000 to $24,999
Gabriel Michael Goertz 2/22/2025 9:10 PM Domestic Battery; Knowingly Cause Physical Contact (1st conviction), Domestic Battery; Aggravated; Impede Breathing by Pressure to throat, neck or chest
Gabriel Jacob Benson Gendreau 11:45 PM Failure to Appear